Sunday, September 02, 2007

Intuition by Best Practice Moderator blocks questions re: XL Foundation, Landmark Education

Ecademy Suppress Free Speech claiming XL Foundation Business Partnership
Ecademy Facebook Officer Lawrence Perry Banned On Ecademy Website because of concerns over Ecademy links.
Released September 2, 2007.

This news is also at a different site, at:
Ecademy Facebook Officer Lawrence Perry Banned On Ecademy Website

According to the report: "Intuition by Best Practice Moderator blocks questions being asked about the XL Foundation, and their partner Landmark Education." The writer goes on to note: "I hold dual nationality with France, and as a French Citizen I am concerned that Landmark Education are not allowed to practice in France. Why are they then allowed to practice in the UK?"

It appears from this post that this user's ability to post writings were compromised by this group associated with Landmark Education.

For the background to the writer's question as to why Landmark Education are not allowed to practice in France, that is not entirely correct. This is explained in more detail by cult expert Rick Ross, in the Cult News article: "Why did Landmark Education leave France?".

Here is an index, to other Cult News articles on the subject of Landmark Education and the Landmark Forum, as well as some discussion and background on Werner Erhard, EST/Erhard Seminars Training, and Werner Erhard and Associates.

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